Friday, June 30, 2017

THIS IS A TEST: of the Re-Emerging Broad-cast System

I have made a couple of attempts to start blogging again.  Both of those previous attempts were via Wordpress which, frankly, I hate like the plague. 

I recently discovered that my domain,, still links to an old blog which, thank you google, I can no longer access or edit.  I'll have to change that, I suppose.

I've also recently left my corporate job at a place I'll just call "Conglomobank" for now, and since I have signed no severance package (I got none), nor any kind of associated non-competes or non-disclosures, I will likely start writing essays here about my (horrid) experience there in which I made some nice money, developed an ulcer, and ballooned, at one point, up to 300 lbs from the stress of working in a technology division that underpaid women like myself pretty drastically, exploited them completely, and dissed them as often as possible relative to their white, male counterparts.

I'm also including, here, a picture of Alan Rickman.  Because he was one of my very favorite actors, and I feel the world was cheated of him when he passed away last January.

If I can't fix the other blog, I'll be publishing some things under this one.  I'm hoping, one way or the other, that you enjoy it.


A Place for No Stuff

A friend of mine was telling me recently about going through his personal items and deciding who he’d like to leave them to.   He’s not ...